Friday, 7 September 2012

Till the words dry out

Needed stamina to be able to face life's harrasment that time..I was shivering like a rusty fence within gunshot..messing around like a deadbeat, ready for the ''spree'' in no time, squashing all that surrounded me for the challenge, for that challenge. I endangered those who used to niggle, dicky ones, toads, that never survive and loose themselves among the crevasse and continuously swing...


Tuesday, 5 June 2012


'' If I can make it here, I can make it anywhere, that's what they say...''

Saturday, 12 May 2012

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

My ancient place..

La vita e bella...

Sono innamorata di vivere, di sentire le cose pui belle del mondo e que hanno la pura verita, di tocare che puoi, di giocare, di sognare con gli occhi aperti, di cercare, di fare cose stupende, strane e piene d'emozione, dire delle bugie e dopo ridere, di avere il cuore grande e sempre grande, rimane sempre giovane anche se il tempo dice un'altra cosa, sveliarte unico, ma non da solo...e sei sempre tu...''la vita e cosi come te lo fai ''me ha detto un sconosciuto e mai dopo mi ricordo sempre...

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Friday, 30 March 2012


Someone once asked '' Who's that girl ?"
"Is the girl of Dream" he said... " She only belongs to Dream"...what does the future hold, he knows..
He was right ... a part of her did change that day, that part of her that didn't know how to live...

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Celebrate Women's Day


Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Can't find a good title..

       She's been a full time mother, she didn't have much of her own life, her own career, her own experiences..has been the most generous friend, defender, loving and supporting person...brilliant and beautiful, the best obedient and adviser..too good and too sensitive, too kind..and permissive..and soft....utterly helpful and trustworthy...hardworking and irreplaceable...I'll never be as good as she is..

My mother said to me, 'If you become a soldier, you'll be a general; if you become a monk, you'll end up as the pope.' Instead, I became a painter and wound up as Picasso.
- Pablo Picasso

Miss you mommy,

                                                       --   awaiting picture  --

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Bringing colour to our lives

          Colour is everywhere in our lives, in food, clothing, jewellery and all sort of accessories and so on. We colour our rooms and furniture. When we purchase something we ask for a certain colour for some reason and if they don't have it, we leave. We choose the colours in our environment, the colours which make us happy and if we go to someone else's community where the colours aren't on the same wavelength we expected, then we are sad and aren't on our's own. When we choose the colour that is associated with those particular vibrations and pay attention to our mood, feelings and emotions.
          Colours give us colour, choices, meaning, admission, impression, design, rationality, words, protection, directions, effects, purpose, message and mission, interpretation and latest... acceptance.

         It's said the colours say so many things about oneself.  Is that true ? I believe if someone is eccentrical in using the colours in physical appearance (clothing, hair, make-up) then you could get a roughly information about him, but what about if someone likes grey and dark colours ? Does this mean he is unhappy and sad and his life is confused and dark ? Or if someone likes bright colours doesn't necessarily mean he's having a bright vision of life, or that he is a good person and optimist. 
       That's a controversial subject. Somehow I agree, somehow I don't. I think all colours are good and we feel more comfortable with certain colours at certain times. Our daily life can be enhanced by surrounding ourselves with the colours that are most harmonious with our own feelings for that day. 
                                                                                                  pretty ladies

I believe in colour. I feel in colour. I create colour. I connect with colour. My world is full of colour.
Wishing you a vibrant and flamboyant Sunday,
Ana Maria

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Waiting for spring !!!

                                                                          TO EVERYONE !!!

That's a good excuse for me to get to like spring as it leads up to the fabulous summer and I just love it.. and... also to get back as usual again as I've been feeling very soft and a bit different from who I used to be... but overall well reasoned ;-) 
Sometimes, if not, most of the time or even always is worth waiting to get something you've been expecting for a while, or for something you might wish to happen, for a change, for the change or for someone you haven't seen him/her for ages or haven't known at all ... for those things that make you different, get you changed over..realistically...



Friday, 24 February 2012

Let it rain... let it rain ...let it rain

            Watching the rain through the steamy window and listening to its noise from the inside is like keeping you still for the whole day, contemplate and dream, fight with the misgivings and play with hopes and chances ... time is the one that gives up first and I wished I could slow it down for a while or at least for a split second, but in vain..''he'' goes it with a rush, tough and confident as always..but then again ''his'' too fast lately...isn't it ? why ?  
             The raindrops squash and splash into the soggy ground, one faster than another out of time ...the sky gets darker, the day is upset, places are lessening of alive, because the wind pushes us forward, trying quickly to find a shelter somewhere, somehow.
             The noisy sound stays...stays until the end.

             How does the play wind up ? Don't know why, but it's going to be a sad day rain somehow, I kind of hate it, why does it cheerlessly come along with drowsiness ?

I love rain close by the ocean, dancing, playing with the sand and waves, singing, laughing, loving, flying, running, crying, sprawling down the algae and stones and seashells...that's the only sort of rain I love..

Thursday, 23 February 2012

your thoughts create your tomorrows

Never look back unless you are planning to go that way, Henry David Thoreau

 You don't have time to waste on negative thinking. If you are thinking positive and you're not getting the results you wish, then check to see how often during the day you feel good or upset. Our thoughts are so precious. Every thought we think is creating our future. Moreover it's all about smiling ...

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Monday, 13 February 2012

Getting to know your body

            I've been stuck on the detox for the last period...getting the toxins out of the body. It's been a long-term dietary, it's pretty simple, it's just a choice of lifestyle.I've learnt to look at what we put into and onto our bodies, working out what is toxic and replace it with something that is not. The rewards are on their way, making great strides. The body promises great outcome. Let's listen to it !!!

            Forget about :
- Caffeine (coffee, tea, energy drinks)
- Soft drinks
- Dairy (limited)
- Sugar
- Salt
- Wheat
- Deep fried food
- Artificial flavourings
- Vegetable oil
- Processed food

        Go for :
- Fresh fruits and vegetables
- Fresh juices
- Herbal teas
- Wholegrains: brown rice, quinoa, oats
- Coconut oil
- Nuts & seeds - unsalted !!!
- Fish
- Eggs (limited)
- Dairy free yoghurt
- Lentils, chickpeas, beans
- Plenty of water, sleep and excercise

           Detox diet ensures that your body engine is running smoothly again and it's not about loosing weight, but about making a healthier you  :)

Friday, 10 February 2012

Dine with Audrey..., elegance, femininity, innocence, delicacy, distinction, tenderness..
...fashionable, icon, stylish, angelical, simple...
symbol of womanhood for the past, present, future and future...

If i get married, I want to be very married.
Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!

There is more to sex appeal than just measurements. I don't need a bedroom to prove my womanliness. I can convey just as much sex appeal, picking apples off a tree or standing in the rain.

You can tell more about a person by what he says about others than you can by what others say about him.

Audrey Hepburn

Meet her at Tiffani's getting a breakfast as I did ...


Thursday, 9 February 2012

Benefit from just a little

         I simply love teas ...  one of the most revered beverages around the globe enjoyed either hot or cold. Scientific research studies have linked regular consumption with increased health benefits promoting substances for heart, body and mind.
        Drinking tea, a soothing and delicious drink is a great way to relax, makes you smile and have an amazing mood and energy having a good natural source of antioxidants that protects your body from the ravages of aging, works for bone strength, fights against diseases and don't forget that is calorie-free :)
        I will reveal my daily amount of tea... :) which is almost 1litre, my favourite one being the marvelous green tea, but I also enjoy nettle tea, chamomile, dandelion, peppermint, black tea sometimes. I always feel the great benefits of it, feeling good, calm, relaxed, healthy, with a good humour, ready for work, sport, love, friends, gossip and unforeseeable things life books for you...


Good to know...
       It is said that tea was discovered accidentally by Emperor Shen Nung back in 2700 BC. After a large meal one day, he was relaxing in the garden with a cup of boiling water. On this occasion, some leaves from a nearby tree fell into the cup unnoticed and he consumed the drink. He enjoyed so much the taste of the tea and the pain relief of the drink, that the cup of tea was born.

Enjoy a delicious and warm herbal tea !!!

Ana Maria



                                   real fight for a cup of tea .. I was keeping it under control anyway  :)

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Thank you !

Hi everyone !

Thank you for all the emails I got from you so far !!!!

Many thanks

Monday, 6 February 2012

Be my Valentine

               Hey guys !!!... Valentine's day is just around the corner and let's learn more about this day ...

              Valentine's day started in the time of  Roman Empire. Valentine lived in Rome during the third century, at that time Rome was ruled by an Emperor named Claudius. After long disputes, Claudius decided not to allow any more marriages due to the rejection of majority of men who Claudius had wanted them to join army. Men didn't want to fight in wars and leave their wives and families and that's the reason why Claudius introduced this cruel law.
             Valentine was a priest and possibly a physician, his favourite activity was to marry couples and even after the Emperor Claudius passed his law, he kept performing marriage ceremonies - secretly, of course. Valentine's defiance was discovered and Claudius ordered him put to death. On the day he was to die, he left his friend a little note thanking her for her friendship and loyalty. He signed it Love from your Valentine.  That note started the custom of exchanging love messages on Valentine's day. It was written on the day he died, February 14th.
             Now, every year on this day, people remember about Saint Valentine, more than ever about love, because they know love can't be beaten ! 

Wishing you a beautiful, love filled week,

Ana Maria 

Sunday, 5 February 2012

About food

           I should write lots of  pages and pages ... there are so many things I want to express and share about the gastronomic world.

          Well...there are two different lives, who all of us live in,  there isn't any middle life at all, both of them are saying loads of things about you as a human entity, about your health, habits, about your spirit, the integration of your body, mind and soul. I ''like'' both, but I do prefer one.
          My favourite one is colourful, flavourful, beautiful, vibrant, controls the immune system, boosts the energy levels, maintains the long-term wellbeing, keeps you away from synthetic chemicals, fungicides, pesticides, artificial additives, feeling more productive ...makes me happy and annoys the others, the one which is both for interior of the body and exterior, it's not simple, it's intriguing, obsessional sometimes and I would name it GREEN.
         The other one is more tasteful, but gets the energy out of you and mostly drowses you, makes you feel full without any explanation each time you get's's easier and quickly to have it, it's more common, makes you gullible at a simple glance, it might make you addictive of toxicity, general moodiness, frustration, usually feel the sense of a guilt,  and I would name it GREY.
         Overall, no external motivation could ever compete with the feeling that comes from within yourself .

                                                          Eating healthy or unhealthy ?
        This is the nowadays crusade between Green and Grey. Unfortunately the world we currently live in is far from the ideal by anyone's definition. Fast technology, fast cars, fast computers, fast people-robots, fast money, fast food that don't necessarily lead up to a healthy lifestyle, that's why we need to balance somehow our lives in 80% healthy and 20% indulgent.

Ana Maria




Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Belgian thoughts

              I was thinking these days about Bruges and Ghent, two beautiful smart cities with a medieval air that bring you into a fairy-like world. Imagine huge castles and cathedrals with a remarkable well preserved medieval architecture surrounded by historical quarried paths and horse drawn carriages. The markets where you could get fresh food or simply watch the people who cook next to you make you want to stay or live a long time around there among the ancient buildings.
               Vintage shops and little boutiques invite you to draw upon their exclusive pieces for your wardrobe and then to taste from the largest variety of delicious chocolate and for the beer drinkers there is the delight of hundreds sorts of beer with loads of flavours nicely bottled or simply served in narrow long pints. I also have to mention about the crocheted lace of  Bruges, the most refined of the textile arts, much appreciated this filigree hand technique that has always been a symbol of this community.
              The walls and canals make a circuit through the cathedrals and bridges and reminds a little about Venice, very romantic, inspiring and quiet place.

               Would you like to travel over the medieval landscape ? Be one of the virtual bystanders watching In Bruges movie (2008), directed and written by Martin McDonagh, a close view to the small and stylish city.

Ana Maria


Friday, 20 January 2012

An energetic start to a beautiful day !

             Love mornings ... the birds are chirping and the sun is shining and its light breaks into the window slowly waking you up ... and carelessly snatching you a smile ... starting the day means happiness, in the early morning going for a walk in the park, taking a quick shower and nothing but enjoying a healthy breakfast with cup of tea or why not a coffee !
             Don't forget about nice things that make you and the others feel good, comfortable and get you more energy. Share your smile with the people you eventually meet, spread your positive feelings wherever possible as a lovely friend and fortunately cousin of mine, called Dana used to do all the time.
             Look back to the worst, most beautiful, awesome, frightening adventures you have ever had so far in your life and keep remembering them as they represent what we finally got and that fill us up with that feeling that always says ''go on'' ... called optimism ...
             ...and dream, dream, dreams could get you far away, but don't get lost amongst them as there is always someone or something who brings you back to the world the real one... life can be way too serious, particularly if we are trying to balance life and work, the bank account and calendar events, family and friends....
             ...and ..have time for yourself, invest in ourselves means we are happier and more resourceful...

    ... get ready to go ahead playful, full of life and enjoying the whole beautiful day :)