Monday, 13 February 2012

Getting to know your body

            I've been stuck on the detox for the last period...getting the toxins out of the body. It's been a long-term dietary, it's pretty simple, it's just a choice of lifestyle.I've learnt to look at what we put into and onto our bodies, working out what is toxic and replace it with something that is not. The rewards are on their way, making great strides. The body promises great outcome. Let's listen to it !!!

            Forget about :
- Caffeine (coffee, tea, energy drinks)
- Soft drinks
- Dairy (limited)
- Sugar
- Salt
- Wheat
- Deep fried food
- Artificial flavourings
- Vegetable oil
- Processed food

        Go for :
- Fresh fruits and vegetables
- Fresh juices
- Herbal teas
- Wholegrains: brown rice, quinoa, oats
- Coconut oil
- Nuts & seeds - unsalted !!!
- Fish
- Eggs (limited)
- Dairy free yoghurt
- Lentils, chickpeas, beans
- Plenty of water, sleep and excercise

           Detox diet ensures that your body engine is running smoothly again and it's not about loosing weight, but about making a healthier you  :)