Drinking tea, a soothing and delicious drink is a great way to relax, makes you smile and have an amazing mood and energy having a good natural source of antioxidants that protects your body from the ravages of aging, works for bone strength, fights against diseases and don't forget that is calorie-free :)
I will reveal my daily amount of tea... :) which is almost 1litre, my favourite one being the marvelous green tea, but I also enjoy nettle tea, chamomile, dandelion, peppermint, black tea sometimes. I always feel the great benefits of it, feeling good, calm, relaxed, healthy, with a good humour, ready for work, sport, love, friends, gossip and unforeseeable things life books for you...
Good to know...
It is said that tea was discovered accidentally by Emperor Shen Nung back in 2700 BC. After a large meal one day, he was relaxing in the garden with a cup of boiling water. On this occasion, some leaves from a nearby tree fell into the cup unnoticed and he consumed the drink. He enjoyed so much the taste of the tea and the pain relief of the drink, that the cup of tea was born.
Enjoy a delicious and warm herbal tea !!!
Ana Maria
real fight for a cup of tea .. I was keeping it under control anyway :)